
At work on the UBI DUBIUM page, gouache on manuscript vellum

At work on the UBI DUBIUM page, gouache on manuscript vellum


For over a millennium, the exquisite intricacies of Celtic art have enchanted the world. Celtic artist Michael Carroll continues in the tradition of the 8th century monks, creating brand-new yet classically ancient designs. 

“Carroll’s illuminations are like lost treasures, pieces made by eighth- or ninth-century Irish monks that disappeared during the intervening centuries, but are now miraculously rediscovered.”
-Prof. Maggie M. Williams, William Patterson University,
Icons of Irishness from the Middle Ages to the Modern World (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2012)

The symbols and motifs used in Celtic art are traditional, but each artist brings a fresh voice to their interpretation and new designs are not only possible, but inevitable. Michael's Celtic pages are not copies, but original works done with the same methods and tools used by the ancients. We invite you to view his illuminated pages, learn about the artist himself, order prints, and find out more about Celtic Art. Questions and comments are always welcome.



Knotwork By Hand And Eye
Now available on Amazon.com


Celtic Art courses at the Irish American Heritage Center, Chicago, IL

Now Offering


Michael Carroll’s lecture at the 2nd International Day of Celtic Art conference, hosted in June 2023 by The St Patrick Centre, Downpatrick, Northern Ireland